As more customers request fluoride removal from the water, Genzon have extensively researched the most effective methods of fluoride reduction.
Genzon do not use activated alumina, which is commonly used in cheaper water filtration systems quoting 90 plus % removal. Due to inconsistant results, limited life cycle and the reintroduction of alumina to the drinking water, this is potentially swapping one neurotoxin for another. We utilise a combination of Ion Exchange Resin and Catalytic Carbon (sourced from Germany), specifically for the reduction of Fluoride, nitrate & other compounds difficult to remove. This is effectively combining the two preferred technologies for Fluoride removal according to FAN (Fluoride Action Network) even outperforming many Reverse Osmosis systems.
Another method commonly used is reverse osmosis, which we believe is an ecologically unsound method and also displays inconsistent quality results.
If You Purchase a Deionizer, Make Sure It Uses an “Ion Exchange Resin.”
If you are considering purchasing a filter that uses deionization, make sure that it uses an “ion exchange resin.” If it does not use an ion exchange resin, it will not remove the fluoride.
Make Sure to Properly Maintain the Filter
Whichever filter you do end up purchasing, pay close attention to the instructions on how to properly maintain it. Each type of filter, for example, requires that you replace the filter cartridge at regular intervals. If this is not done, the effectiveness of the filter will significantly decline.
An Advantage of Water Purifiers with Ion Exchange Resins
There is advantage to ion exchange resins that we believe is worth mentioning. But, first, by way of background, it will be helpful to explain the difference between how ion exchange resins differ from reverse osmosis.
In an R-O system, the fluoridated water is forced at high pressure through a membrane. The fluoride ions, with a sheath of water molecules, are too large to pass through the small pores in the membrane and only the water can get through. Thus virtually pure water is squeezed through the membrane.
By contrast, an ion exchange resin consists of both a cation exchange resin (which exchanges a positive hydrogen ion for any metal ions present) and a negative exchange resin (which exchanges a hydroxyl ion for the fluoride ion). When both resins are used together the hydrogen ions produced by one resin and the hydroxyl ions produced by the other instantly combine to form water. The distinct advantage of this system is that when either resin is saturated, ions will appear in the collected water, which will immediately and dramatically increase the electrical conductivity of the solution and thus be readily detectable by a very cheap monitoring system. FAN’s Director, Paul Connett, personally observed the operation of an ion-exchange resin system when he stayed with Dr. Mark Diesendorf in Sydney, Australia, and was impressed with its efficiency. According to Connett, “The flow rate was very fast and Mark could quickly collect several bottles for his use throughout the day as well as taking a bottle or two to work the next morning.”
Another advantage of using ion exchange resins is that it’s less wasteful of both energy and water than R-O. Reverse Osmosis systems waste an average of 5-6 litres of water to filter 1 litre of water.